Rio Conventions Pavilion


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Evening reception: Launch of “Biodiversity for SDGs” Publications and Videos

Rio Conventions Pavilion, CBD COP 13, Cancun, Mexico
Moon Palace Convention Center, Universal Building, Main Floor
Wednesday 7 December 2016, 7pm to 9pm 

This catered reception, sponsored by UNDP, will launch 6 new publications, and 6 new short videos, showcasing the contribution of biodiversity to SDGs around the world. These include:

  • a catalogue of NBSAP actions from over 60 countries, showcasing the collective impact of NBSAP actions on
  • an analysis of the impact of biodiversity projects across Asia Pacific and their contributions to SDGs;
  • an analysis of community Equator Prize winners and SGP grantees and their contributions to SDGs; 
  • two complementary analyses of relationships between biodiversity and SDGs. The videos include snapshots of the contribution of biodiversity and ecosystems to achieving national development goals in South Africa.