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Forest biodiversity: mitigation and adaptation – the linked benefits provided by forests  

Forests are biologically diverse systems, however, forests are increasingly threatened as a result of deforestation, fragmentation, climate change and other stressors that can be linked to human activities. Climate change, in particular, is expected to impact on forest biodiversity and the ability of forests to provide soil and water protection, habitat for species, carbon storage and other ecosystem services. Forest ecosystems identified as being particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change include: dry forests, mangroves, boreal forests, tropical forests, and cloud forests.    

While climate change is expected to have adverse impacts on forest biodiversity, at the same time, forests and their rich biodiversity can also be part of the solution to climate change and other global challenges. Forests have much potential to help communities adapt to climate change. There are many existing tools and approaches that tap into this potential, including forest landscape restoration.

Forest degradation threatens biodiversity by reducing habitat and the provision of ecological services. Forests provide a perfect example of the links that exist between biodiversity, sustainable land management and climate change. On the one hand, forests are threatened by the impacts of climate change, but on the other hand, have the potential to mitigate climate change through carbon storage and sequestration.

Cancun December 2010

November 30 REDD and biodiversity
December 1 Biodiversity and climate change: Regional view on REDD+ readiness and forest governance in Amazon basin
December 2 Delivering as one: Achievements and lessons learned from REDD+ readiness activities
December 2 REDD-Plus: Enhancing environmental services and private sector participation
December 3 Addressing climate change and REDD+ - using indigenous peoples' traditional knowledge and practices
December 5 Forest Day 4 subplenary: Biodiversity - Synergies and policy practice

Nagoya October 2010

21 October Forest biodiversity: mitigation and adaptation – the linked benefits provided by forests programme
22 October Pavilion News Digest - Forest biodiversity: mitigation and adaptation