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Key Role of Protected Areas in climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies  

Protected areas are the cornerstones of biodiversity conservation and constitute an important stock of natural, cultural and social capital, yielding flows of economically valuable goods and services that benefit society, secure livelihoods, and contribute to the achievement of the MDGs. Moreover, protected area systems can maintain productivity, buffer impacts of climate change and play a key role in adaptation and mitigation strategies.

Protected areas, while under threat from climate change, are a natural and economical way to mitigate and adapt to its effects.

In order to improve the global response to climate change, biodiversity loss and desertification, protected areas need to be strengthened (e.g., in management and governance), expanded and connected. Many protected areas are also important carbon stores, playing a critical role in mitigation preventing further carbon emissions caused by land conversion and degradation.   

Cancun December 2010

December 1 Protected Areas as a response to climate change
December 7 Climate change and species: challenges and opportunities

Nagoya October 2010

October 19 Key role of protected areas in climate change adaptation and mitigation programme
October 19 IUCN WCPA and protected areas programme
October 20 Pavilion News Digest - Key role of protected areas in climate change adaptation