Rio Conventions Pavilion


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Looking ahead: enhancing synergies  

In 1992 the Earth Summit established three Rio Conventions to address the interrelated challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss and combating desertification/land degradation.

The implementation of ecosystem-based approaches for adaptation and mitigation and the integration of biodiversity and sustainable land management considerations into relevant climate change adaptation and mitigation plans and strategies will require enhanced cooperation and increased synergies between the different biodiversity, land management and climate change actors, especially the three Rio Conventions, while taking into account their different mandates and Parties.

Many best practice examples of mechanisms to promote synergies at the national and local level are available: including establishing of national committees consisting of focal points to the three Rio Conventions, developing common pools of experts and communities of practice, integrating management of funding to address biodiversity and climate change, and integrating climate change and biodiversity elements within national biodiversity strategy and action plans and national adaptation plans and programmes.


Key messages from the Ecosystems Pavilion held during the CBD COP 10  en es fr

Cancun December 2010

Dec 13, 2010 Pavilion News Digest

Linking the Rio Conventions - the Launch of the Ecosystems Pavilion at COP 16, article from OUTREACH, a multi-stakeholder magazine on environment and sustainable development

Nagoya October 2010

October 28 Looking Ahead: Enhancing Synergies Programme
October 29 Pavilion News Digest - Look Ahead: Enhancing Synergies