Rio Conventions Pavilion


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For information about COP28 and media accreditaton, see the COP28 official website.

Regular updates on the Rio Pavilion Convention Journey 2023 will be shared across the Conventions’ primary social media channels: Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.  


Press Releases:

10 November, 2023 - Joint Statement of the Presidents


Rio Conventions Pavilion Journey at COP28 UAE - Trello Board:

Join us in amplifying the social media campaign for Rio Conventions Pavilion Journey at COP28 UAE!
A Trello board has been created to compile social media assets and other communications products related to the meetings and events. You can contribute to the Rio Conventions Pavilion Journey at COP28 UAE social media campaign by sharing resources from the board. 
Ensure #RioConventions is in your post so we can easily find, add to our Trello and re-share.


For media-related inquiries, please contact:

David Ainsworth
Information Officer
Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
413 St Jacques Street, Suite 800
Montréal, Québec, Canada H2Y 1N9
Tel: +1 514 287 7025
Mobile:  +1 514 561 2720
Fax: +1-514-288-6588