Rio Conventions Pavilion


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Shaping our Future: Rio+20 outcome follow-up and moving towards the post 2015 development agenda

Rio Conventions Pavilion Programme at UNCCD COP11

17 - 26 September 2013, Windhoek, Namibia

The Secretariats of the Rio Conventions and the Global Environment Facility, in addition to partner organizations, are pleased to present the Rio Conventions Pavilion programme at UNCCD COP11 (download here). Updates will be provided on via twitter @riopavilion.

Highlights include the following thematic days:

Tue 17 Sep: Day for Indigenous and Local Community Sustainable Land Managers

With a focus on indigenous and local communities, we will discuss sustainable use of water, the Rio Conventions and the MDGs, engaging with extractive industries, alternative livelihoods, and knowledge exchange for capacity building. An evening reception will introduce participants to the World Indigenous Network, and the launch of an Equator Initiative book will follow (UNDP and partners)

Wed 18 Sep: Target-Setting Approach

How should we set targets to address desertification, land degradation and drought? We will discuss monitoring, assessment, best practices, legislation and policy options(including sessions organized by the Desert Research Foundation of Namibia (details here), USDA (details here), and IUCN). This day features a special lunch event: A Stronger UNCCD for a Land-Degradation- Neutral World Calls for a Target-Setting Approach (Korea Forest Service and UNCCD). 

Thu 19 Sep: Land Degradation Neutrality

How do we work towards land degradation neutrality? Pavilion partners will discuss Community-based natural resource management for sustainable livelihoods (WIN/UNDP), biodiversity (CBD), legal aspects (IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law), and working towards a Sustainable Development Goal on land degardation (ICRAF). An evening reception will celebrate two decades of GEF investment in Africa.

Fri 20 Sep: Ecosystem Restoration

Following up from Ecosystem Restoration Day at the RCP at CBD COP11, Hyderabad, we will discuss the Landcare movement (ICRAF), perspectives from the GEF on investing in restoration through SLM and SFM/REDD+, the contribution of restoration to zero-net land degradation (CBD), and the Great Green Wall for the Sahara and the Sahel Initiative (The African Union Commission and partners). The day will conclude with a reception hosted by the German Developoment Cooperation and CBD, on 'Communication for sustainable development: Biodiversity Action Days, the Climate Change and Land Degradation Agendas' featuring high-level speakers including the Minister of Environment and Tourism, Namibia. Full programme here.

Mon 23 Sep: Resource Mobilization 

This day will be dedicated to activities of the Global Environment Facility as a financial mechanism of the Rio Conventions, including an overview of the sixth replenishment phase of the GEF Trust Fund, launch of the publication 'Investing in Ecosystem Services and Adaptation for Food Security', strategies for the Land Degradation Focal and Incentive Mechanism on SFM/REDD+, followed by a reception highlighting signature programs designed to address major drivers of global environmental change. 

Tue 24 Sep: Adaptation and Synergies in Implementing the Rio Conventions

We will discuss the growing EverGreen agriculture movement (ICRAF)innovative approaches 
to combat land degradation through sustainable wood energy production (GIZ), an operational platform to enhance synergies in implementing the Rio Conventions (Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UNCCD), ecosystem-based adpatation (South Africa DEA & UNFCCC), followed by a reception to launch a publication on valuing the biodiversity of dry and sub-humid lands (download here) (SCBD & Global Mechanism).  

Wed 25 Sep: Gender Policy Forum 

This full-day event will examine gender policies in the drylands, including existing and emerging challenges as well as opportunities for policy action. Spearks include Hon Margaret Mensah Williams, Deputy Speaker of the National Council, Namibia, Mr. Luc Gnacadja, and UNCCD Drylands Ambassador Deborah Fraser. This day will be followed by a reception including a traditional Namibian dance and UNCCD 3rd photo Contest awards presentation. See the full programme and concept note.

Thu 26 Sep: Sustainable Land Management (SLM)

On the final day of the Pavilion, partners will feature best practices for SLM (Drynet & WOCAT), case studies for SLM Startegic Investment Frameworks (NEPAD), the role of land management in securing peace and avoiding forced migration (Initiatives of Change), and innovative nuclear science and technology in support of assessing SLM (IAEA), followed by a reception hosted by IAEA.