Rio Conventions Pavilion


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Promoting synergies for sustainable development and poverty reduction  

Biodiversity and ecosystem service benefits are being threatened by development choices that ignore the full value of these natural services to us all and particularly the poorest. Reversing this negative trend is not only possible, but essential to human well-being.

Climate change is a manifestation and symptom of the lack of adequate consideration of environmental sustainability in development pathways. In addition to development, the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and land offers resilience to climate variability and natural disasters.

Dryland populations, for example, often rely on access to ecosystem services in order to cope with drought. Continued, sustainable access to biodiversity resources in order to support livelihoods in times of climate stress promotes both biodiversity conservation and sustainable use and enhances adaptive capacity.

Ecosystem-based approaches for adaptation provide multiple benefits – including mitigation, are cost-effective, already available and likely to be more accessible to rural and poor communities. Thus they can align with and enhance poverty alleviation and sustainable development strategies.

Global responses that address biodiversity loss, climate change and land degradation need to be reinforced and re-tooled to enhance the promotion of synergies. This requires integration across policy reforms and institutional strengthening. Country leadership and increased support from development cooperation are critical for the coherent and synergetic implementation of the Rio Conventions.

Cancun December 2010

December 3 Introducing global mechanisms for measurable, reportable, verifiable local climate action
December 6 Funding the future? Establishing a Fair Climate Fund in Cancun
December 8 Cities and climate change: enhancing mitigation and adaptation action
December 9 Gender and climate change finance: empowering women to lead in the new green economy

Nagoya October 2010

October 27 Promoting synergies for sustainable development and poverty reduction programme
October 28 Pavilion News Digest - Promoting synergies for sustainable development and poverty reduction