Rio Conventions Pavilion


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Durban UNFCCC COP17 - November & December 2011

Agenda (Full/Summary)

The Rio Conventions Pavilion will be convening again in Durban, South Africa from 29 November – 8 December 2011, as a parallel event to the UNFCCC COP17. Pavilion events will be held at the Climate Change and Response Expo hosted by the South Africa Department of Environmental Affairs.

Pavilion Partners will be extending the momentum of these collaborative initiatives to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio +20 Earth Summit), 4 – 6 June 2012. 

More information on the Rio Conventions Pavilion programme of events at the above meetings will be posted at a later date.

Presentations at UNFCCC COP17

- Rio Pavilion Session Summaries - Day 1
- Rio Pavilion Session Summaries - Day 2
- Rio Pavilion Session Summaries - Day 3
- Ecosystem-based Adaptation in a Changing Climate: From Practice to Policy? Lessons learnt from islands (Summary and Presentations)
- The Global Restoration Initiative and the Bonn Challenge - Restoring 150 million hectares by 2020 (Flyer-Side event)
- United Nations Decade for Desert and the Fight against Desertification - CSOs for Land Restoration: A land degradation neutral green economy
- RTCC Musical: One World, the greenest show on earth! Photos

 Speeches & Statements:
Address by Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe at the Land Day 5 event
- Address by Tatsushi Terada - Vice Minister for Global Environmental Affairs Ministry of the Environment, Japan, at the Closing Event
- Intervention Minister Schauvliege at the Rio Pavilion (closing session)
- Co-Chairs’ Statement emanating from Oceans Day at Durban - “Climate, Oceans, People”

Theme: Ecosystem-Based Adaptation
Session 1
- Effectiveness of ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation - Critical review of current evidence, initial results for mountain regions
- Ecosystem based Adaptation to Climate Change - Adapting to Climate Change in Mountain Regions
- IUCN - Resilience, Adaptation & Mountain Ecosystems
Session 2
- Ecosystem adaptation Fire, invasive species and ecosystem services
- An overview of expected impacts of climate change on the wetlands of South Africa
- The Working for Water Programme
- Working on fire
- Climate Change and catchment management : some ideas for discussion

Session 3
- Adapting to Climate Change in Mountain Regions
- Ministry of Environment, Peru - Adapting to Climate Change in Mountain Regions
- Ecosystem Based Adapatation (EBA) in Mountains Ecosystems
- BMU’s Approach in the EbA Flagship Programme in Mountain Ecosystems
- Mainstreaming Ecosystem-based Approaches to Adaptation in National Policy
- Integrating consideration of ecosystem resilience into vulnerability and impact assessments

Theme: Business, Economics and Synergies
Session: Blue Carbon
- Carbon Storage and Emissions from Coastal Ecosystems - Managing Coastal Ecosystems for Climate Mitigation
- Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions - Coastal Blue Carbon –Economics and Policy
- Climate Focus - Policy options for Blue Carbon
- Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research and Development, Indonesia - Towards (Draft) on Blue Carbon Policy 2014/2015

Theme: REDD+
Session 1: Building capacities for REDD+
- The Alliance for Global REDD+ Capacity - A new global collaboration to expand and enhance capacity building efforts
- UN-REDD Programme - Desarrollo del Programa ONU REDD+ en el Paraguay
- Secreataría del Ambiente, Paraguay - Construcción de la Política Nacional de Cambio Climatico
- UN-REDD Programme - REDD+ in Asia Pacific: are capacity building services meeting countries’ need? 
- UN-REDD Programme - UN REDD+ Social and Environmental Principles & Criteria
Session 2: Global Partnership on Forest and Landscape Restoration - Restoring 150 million hectares by 2020
- The Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact
- Ghana: National Assessment of Restoration Potential
- The Global Restoration Initiative and the Bonn Challenge - Maximizing the benefits from REDD+
- ITTO Guidelines for Restoration - Restoration, Management and Rehabilitation of Degraded and Secondary Forests
- International Model Forest Network - Building partnerships for sustainability
Session 3: Biocultural Protocols - Safeguard lessons for REDD+
- Natural Justice - Lessons for the development of REDD+ safeguards from CBD
- CBD Secretariat - REDD+ Safeguards
- Global Forest Coalition - The dangers of REDD+ for Indigenous Peoples, and the limitations of safeguards


Phongola Room - Forest Mahogany Marquee (in front of UN Registration/Security). Rio Conventions Pavilion, Climate Change & Response (CCR) Expo. 
101 Bram Fischer Rd, Durban 4001, South Africa (5-minute walk from ICC

Information on Transportation
Information on Hotels 

For more information:

COP17 | CMP 7
United Nations Climate Change Conference Durban, Provisional Agenda and official documents
Information Note for COP Participants

Core Partners

Other Partners @Durban UNFCCC COP17

Connect4Climate Connect4Climate South African Government Department of Environmental Affairs South African Government Department of Environmental Affairs
The Ecosystems and Livelihoods Adaptation Network The Ecosystems and Livelihoods Adaptation Network The Climate Change Awareness Campaign The Climate Change Awareness Campaign
The Global Mechanism The Global Mechanism Food and Agriculture Organization Food and Agriculture Organization
Ministero dell'Ambiente - Italy Ministero dell'Ambiente - Italy Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
The Nature Conservancy The Nature Conservancy UN-Habitat UN-Habitat
The Adaptation Hub at Durban UNFCCC COP17 The Adaptation Hub at Durban UNFCCC COP17 Responding to Climate Change Responding to Climate Change