Rio Conventions Pavilion


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CBD COP14, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt

The Rio Conventions, GEF and Partners are pleased to announce the Rio Conventions Pavilion programme at CBD COP14, in Sharm El Sheikh, hosted by the Government of Egypt. The programme will run from 17-27 November, 2018

Programme Overview (full programme available here, short program available here)

See programme coverage here by ENB 

Sat 17 Nov: Sustainable Infrastructure

Exploring the role of sustainable infrastructure in linking major themes and targets of CBD, UNFCCC and other conventions. (The Nature Conservancy, WWF). Highlights of the day here

Sun 18 Nov: Africa Ecological Future: For People and Planet
Launch of the the Africa Ecological Future (AEF) initiative, and exploring current ideas and concepts on the conservation of nature, biodiversity and Africa’s important natural assets in order to mainstream AEF thinking into various sector policies like conservation, food, forest  and infrastructure. (WWF). Daily report here

Sun 18 Nov (evening): Celebrating Innovation in Protected and Conserved Area Financing: Meet the Winners of the Inagural Pathfinder Award 
The Pathfinder Award for innovation in nature conservation celebrates innovative solutions for ensuring investment in protected and conserved areas. In this session, experts from IUCN and UNDP will discuss with the award winners what made their approaches successful and how their solutions can be replicated in other parts of the world. (IUCN and UNDP). Daily report here

Mon 19 Nov: Scenarios for Transformative Change (advertisement here)
Highlighting the use of scenarios (quantitative and qualitivate, across all scales and sectors) as tools for transformational change for biodiversity outcomes (PBL Netherlands Environment Agency, iDiv, NIWA, partners). Daily report here

Tue 20 Nov: Nature Futures Scenarios (advertisement here)
Discussing the IPBES Nature Futures scenario results as tools for exploring policies that enhance the feasibility of visions, identifying pathways and ensuring sectoral and regional relevance of the visions (IPBES, PBL, iDiv, NIWA, CSIRO and WUR). Daily report here

Wed 21 Nov: Rethinking Biodiversity Governance for Transformative change (advertisement here)
Consider how biodiversity governance can become transformative, and where CBD can build on its achievements. (SwedBio/SRC, PBL, FNI, GMU, Strathclyde University, UN Environment, UNEP-WCMC, IDDRI). Daily report here

Thu 22 Nov: Protected Areas
Support implementation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, and the long-term strategy for capacity-building which will be adopted at CBD COP15 (CBD and partners). Daily report here

Fri 23 Nov (morning): Building Capacity Beyond 2020
Support implementation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, and the long-term strategy for capacity-building which will be adopted at CBD COP15 (UN Environment, IUCN, GEF, UNDP, SPREP, Caricom, UNEP-WCMC, African Elephant Fund). Daily report here

Fri 23 Nov (afternoon): Biodiversity Mitigation Hiearchy and the Role of the Private Sector in Conservation
Highlighting the biodiversity mitigation hierarchy developed for the extractives industry, comparative global policies and the contribution of biodiversity data by industry towards conservation goals (Cross-Sector Biodiversity Initiative and partners). Blog

Fri 23 Nov (evening): Learning from Local Solutions for Achieving Global Biodiversity Targets: The PANORAMA  - Solutions for a Healthy Planet Initiative  (advertisement here)
Introducing PANORAMA – Solutions for a Healthy Planet, a multi-thematic, multi-partner initiative for learning and knowledge management, its value for CBD parties, and launching a new PANORAMA theme on “Business engagement in nature conservation (IUCN, GIZ, Rare, GRID-Arendal, UN Environment, IFOAM-Organics International). 

Sat 24 Nov: Health and Biodiversity
Mainstreaming  of  biodiversity  for  health and integrated  approaches to  maximize  ecosystem  and  human  health co-benefits (CBD, WHO, and partners). Daily report here

Sun 25 Nov: Agriculture and Biodiversity
Highlighting perspectives of agricultural sector stakeholders to illustrate why, how and who are championing solutions to protect biodiversity, while increasing productivity and improving livelihoods (FAO, CBD, Government of Mexico, and partners). Daily report here

Mon 26 Nov: Nature-based Solutions for Climate Change  (details here, EbA Knowledge Day here)
Highlighting ecosystem-based approaches and other nature-based solutions to adapt to climate change, and discussing ways to implement the Voluntary Guidelines for the design and effective implementation of ecosystem-based approaches to climate change adaptation (EbA) and disaster risk reduction (Eco-DRR). (CBD, GIZ, Friends of EbA, IUCN, SwedBio at SRC, WWF). Daily report here

Tue 27 Nov: Forest Landscape and Ecosystem Restoration
The Forest and Ecosystem Restoration Day will showcase policy and project-level initiatives that harness the potential of sustainable forest management, forest landscape and ecosystem restoration to advance biodiversity, sustainable development and climate goals in an integrated manner. (Collaborative Partnership on Forests, Global Partnership on Forest and Landscape Restoration, Government of Egypt, Korea Forest Service, Society for Ecosystem Restoration). Daily report here

Tue 27 Nov (evening): Rio Conventions Pavilion Closing Session

Rio Conventions Pavilion thematic session organizers will convene to provide highlights of their events and a coordinated message carried to the UNFCCC COP24 negotiations: From the UN Decade on Biodiversity to a UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration - nature-based solutions as a means of achieving the objectives of the three Rio Conventions in an integrated manner.